Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Fantasy of Getting Ahead

I feel like I either took a really long nap after the Thanksgiving turkey OR I was secretly placed on a supersonic jet speed treadmill and just fell off into the middle of December. I mean, what happened to all my plans of being ahead of the game this year? After all, I actually bought Christmas presents in early November - something that may, quite frankly, make my family question my sanity.

After a couple of hours at my desk tonight doing one of the most dreaded chores (catching up the checkbook register and totalling those Christmas shopping receipts from the weekend) I am feeling more than a little frazzled. I had a wonderful day on Saturday with my oldest granddaughter on our annual girls' day out. We looked for clothes, etc. that she likes, she tried on several outfits, and I made a list. Even took pictures of some things just so I could be sure to remember what to look for when I go back to buy. I took the opportunity to buy some of the items on another granddaughter's wish list. Then on Monday evening, I was back out to pick up a couple of things on the list made Saturday. I was feeling pretty good about how much I've been able to accomplish. A little online shopping for the adults was making this whole buying presents thing a lot easier also.

Then I got out my little notebook where I track my gift buying and added the weekend purchases to each person's list. Hmm. All of a sudden, it doesn't seem like I am ahead at all. Not when I look at the calendar and let it settle into my brain that I really only have one more weekend to shop. We will celebrate an early Christmas with our Indy family on Dec. 20 so I have to wrap this up (in more than one way!) in pretty short order. That's when the stress level began to rise. My brain went from thinking about the gifts I still need to buy to adding to my mental to-do list all those other things I still need to do. More decorating to be done, Christmas cards that I have yet to start addressing, gifts to be wrapped, Christmas programs with grandchildren to attend, meals to plan and shop for...........with each thought stress rises.

And I was so determined to have a simple and relaxing Christmas this year. What happened? Is is a lost cause?

As soon as I began to put my thoughts into the written word, I slowed down enough to hear a whisper. To feel a nudge. From the One we celebrate. A reminder to refocus on Him and the wonderful gift I received through His birth, life, death and resurrection. If all those other things don't get done but I spend time with Him, with my family & friends, and others that He brings into my life each day I will have celebrated Christmas in a most wonderful way. It is hard for my perfectionist side to leave something undone. I feel guilty if Christmas cards don't go out along with a nice chatty note. If some decorations stay in the closet, I think people who helped stock that collection will think I care less about them since I didn't displya their gift. Y'all, I can flat feel guilty over just about anything and everything! I have begun to realize, though, that all that doing,stressing, and feeling guilty (or exhausted)does one thing and that is draw me away from Christ.

So, I am going to bed now with a calmer mind. I am letting go of my self imposed need to figure out right now exactly when & where I am going to shop & what I am going to buy. I'm going to spend some time talking with Jesus and then listening for His tender words. I will do tomorrow when tomorrow comes and trust Him to help me keep Christmas simply what it is really about. The birth of our Savior.

I pray that you will do that as well. Every day, when your to-do list seems overwhelming. When you feel the stress level going up because you can't find that one gift your child thinks he simply must have. When your overcrowded schedule gets yet another activity crammed into it. Take a moment to refocus on Jesus. To reflect on what we are celebrating. May His peace and His love rest upon you, sweet friends.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The After Thanksgiving Glow

It's the Sunday night after Thanksgiving and I feel more stuffed than any turkey that graced a table on Thursday. Every year it's the same. I look forward to all of our traditional dishes and then eat like I will never ever have that food on my table again. I always seem to cook more than we can possibly eat, knowing that everyone is tired of leftovers long before the weekend is over. This year was no different! Friday evening we shared a Hoptown tradition with our out-of-state relatives -- Ferrell's burgers! A yummy treat to offset all the turkey and dressing. Can't say that it was the healthiest of meals but hey, what is healthy eats this time of year?

So now I sit here in the after glow of time spent with family and again count blessings. My brother fought a battle with cancer this year and won. My sister-in-law continues to deal with serious health issues but drew on strength from our Lord to make the trip. I am thankful we had another Thanksgiving to sit down at the table together.

A new grandson, just seven weeks old, brought the number of grandchildren to five. Along with my 11 year old great-nephew, needless to say 'quiet' was not something you found in our house for a couple of days! But what fun to watch the cousins have time to play together. My niece & her husband brought gingerbread cookies for them to decorate (and eat) plus a fun placemat craft project. (Thanks, Andrea & Terry, for helping create special memories for the kids!)

I know that it is easy for us to take time to give thanks at Thanksgiving. After all, the whole reason we have the holiday set aside is because our forefathers took time to thank God for His provision after surviving their first year in this new country. What is not so easy is to cultivate an attitude of gratitude that continues throughout the year. Every year I hear comments around Christmas time from folks who 'wish we could have the spirit of Christmas all year.' It's the same with Thanksgiving. Our natural tendency is to pour it all out for a few weeks every year and then go on with our crazy lives. I don't want to live like that any more. I want to live out a true attitude of gratitude every day of my life. I want to live my life so that others see the Spirit of Christmas that lives within. I encourage you to do the same!

I pray that you are also basking in the afterglow of Thanksgiving. Pause right now and thank the Giver of it all. And when we get up in the morning, let's make it a point to continue to thank Him for everything He allows in our lives.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Taking Gratitude to a Higher Level

If you are looking for ways to increase your gratitude quotient, then check out my friend's blogspot and her post from Wed., Nov. 18 entitled "37 Days of Kindness". (

I think this will be a great way to spend our days from now until Christmas. In the middle of the hustle, bustle, and our culture's definition of Christmas perhaps we can daily make it a point to reach out to others. Who knows it may even start a whole new way of doing Christmas!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Are You Ready For Some Turkey?!

Can you believe we are only ten days away from Thanksgiving? And can Christmas be very far behind it? I don't know about you but it does seem like that month between keeps getting smaller and smaller. Maybe it's because retailers begin advertising Christmas sales earlier and earlier?

I find myself in the middle of preparing for both days. As part of my 'kick the procrastination' habit, I started my Christmas shopping a few weeks ago. It is actually quite refreshing to know that I have part of that behind me, not to mention the fact that it is a much more budget friendly way to pay for gifts. I also joined some of my girlfriends at Chatty Cappuccino Cafe on Friday night and got a head start on making some Christmas cards, plus got some quite creative tips on making my very own Christmas wreath. I was so inspired by that project (thanks Lauren!!) that I went right out to Hobby Lobby on Saturday and purchased all the materials. Yes, Christmas is definitely underway in the Lewis home.

On the other hand, I'm not quite ready to rush past Thanksgiving. This happens to be close in ranking to Christmas as my favorite holiday. Christmas will always be number one and not because of all the decorations, candy, music programs, gifts, etc. It is number one because it is the most important of celebrations - celebrating our reconciliation with God through the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. If all the cultural manifestations of Christmas were to be taken away, it would remain the most important of all celebrations. A world changing event. The beginning of God's redemption plan come to earth.

Thanksgiving ranks a close second because it is my family's time to get together. Growing up with only one sibling makes it easier to manage schedules for a get together. In years past we alternated years, one year traveling and the next year being host. These days because of my adult children's schedules, my brother and his family always travel and we host. Our menu remains pretty much the same every year. Each person has their favorite dish they can't make it through Thanksgiving without so there is always an over abundance of fool. Some of the gals join the throngs on 'black Friday' to shop - I stay home and play with the grandkids. Some years we watch movies, at other times we play games. Oh, and did I mention, we eat a lot? Most importantly, we share time together. Talking about our memories from the past while making new ones to add to the memory vault.

And as we reminisce, we give thanks. As we sit down to our bountiful dinner, we give thanks. As we watch the next generation playing together, we give thanks. Even now as I am preparing by stocking the pantry and cleaning house, I give thanks. Thanks to the One who has blessed us with the priceless gift of family. Oh, we could choose to dwell on the battles of the past year with health issues, financial difficulties, and other things that satan wanted to use to rob us of our joy. But we will choose to thank our God for His provision, for granting us one more holiday together, for the bountiful blessings that He pours out each and every day.

My prayer for you is that you will find reasons to give thanks as you prepare for Thanksgiving. Look beyond the difficulties faced this year and choose to count your blessings.

By the way, I'd love to hear about your family's traditions at Thanksgiving. Tell us about it by leaving a comment below.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Finding Suzy

You know that God is trying to get your attention when the same theme keeps popping up. If you are like me and struggle with time management, check out the Girlfriends and God devotion from Oct. 29, 2009, entitled 'Time-Friend or Foe, Part 2'. Good tips on how to retrain our focus.

As for Suzy, she is visiting. I 'co-cooked' two meals this weekend! Hubby grilled brats and I fixed the sides yesterday, then today he cooked blackened fish on the grill (too smoky to cook indoors) while I fixed roasted red potatoes and cole slaw. We enjoy cooking together so I felt like Suzy was reasserting her flair. I also tackled one of those tasks that I had put off for too long - clean out the freezer. Y'all things climb into my freezer and hide! I found stuff that had been hiding for two years. (I did warn you that I procrastinate.)

In his sermon this morning, Bro. Greg talked about temptation, the importance of turning away from it and turning toward God. I have determined that procrastination is one of those areas of temptation for me. I can easily live out the motto "It can be done, it should be done, it will be done...tomorrow!" To overcome this temptation in my life I believe I must deliberately choose 'do', not 'wait to do'. Procrastination is a thief of precious time and time is not a cheap commodity.

So I ask you to help me. Hold me accountable. When you see me, ask me how I'm managing my time. Celebrate with me when I get it right and pray with me when I'm struggling. I promise I will do the same for you if you want me to. After all, we are on this journey together!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What happened to Suzy Homemaker?

First, let me tell you how thankful I am for my sweet hubby - that hubby who doesn't complain that I haven't cooked a meal all week. Who ate take-out food for 4 out of the past 5 nights and that one night? Well, the home cooked meal was provided by dear friends we visited on Sunday afternoon! Granted, I have been a bit under the weather this week and have spent more time snuggled under a blanket with a heating pad for my achy back than thinking about cooking. But it does make me wonder what happened to my inner Suzy Homemaker?

It's not that I hate to cook. In fact, I love to cook. I have my own mental cookbook filled with dishes that I can whip up without so much as thinking about a measuring spoon. On the other hand, I love to browse through magazines and cookbooks for new recipes to try. Since doing the whole Weight Watcher thing a couple of years ago I have become much more aware of the ingredients I use and have even been paying attention to (and learning!) the positive aspect of choosing organic foods. I conjure up all kinds of ideas about what I could cook or bake. It's just that Suzy is missing.

And it is not just cooking. I mean this whole cleaning house thing - like who decided it was so important to dust the furniture every week? And why doesn't that kitchen island that morphed into a catch all for everything just clean itself, for goodness sake. Geez, I do keep the laundry done - hey I do realize the need for clean clothes! Just please don't expect me iron them too! Suzy would do that but....yeah, she is still missing.

What about those other warm & fuzzies like getting family pictures organized, maybe even into a scrapbook with journaling to preserve our stories. Maybe even getting some of those photos in frames and hung on the wall to enjoy. My, oh my, do I ever miss Suzy. Wonder where that gal ran off to!

Wait a minute. I think maybe she didn't run off after all. I think she just is lost in the web of my disorganization and procrastination. Hmmm, wonder if I can find her? I'm betting I can but it will take a bit of work on my part. Like planning our evening meal menu for next week before I grocery shop this weekend and then stick to it. Try one of those new recipes this week. Complete one scrapbook page. Choose one task that I have proscrastinated the most or longest about and just do it!

Yep, I'm thinking that Suzy just may resurface around here. Maybe not the old Suzy, but a version that looks more like Molly who has a full schedule with family, work, church ministry and friends.

What about you? Are you a Suzy Homemaker or does it make you tired thinking about it? Would love to hear from you!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear that word? Is it weather/climate seasons? Possibly that could be the number one answer. After all, we are smack dab in the middle of the colorful season of fall.

Others may think about Bro. Greg's sermon series, Seasons of Life. He has touched on seasons of loneliness, discouragement, and more.

I also think about seasons of life. Those seasons that are marked by where we are in life. Like college student; young single professional; newly wed; mom of preschoolers; mom of adolescents; mom of teens; single mom; empty nester; widow; many descriptions for the numerous seasons of our lives.

Some seasons are like spring. New life sprouting everywhere, tenderness and warmth. Others are like summer. Hot, sweaty, and a riot of color. Yet others are like fall. Life slowing down to an easier pace. Time to enjoy the harvest. And then there are the winter seasons. When everything seems to be dark and dreary, cold - icy, even.

At one time or another, we all experience each of these seasons.

Right now I am in a fall season, enjoying the harvest of grandchildren. We just spent several days in Indianapolis visiting our newest grandson, Isaiah, along with his big brother, Lincoln, and their dad & mom. We got some good snuggling time with the little one plus spent lots of time spoiling (oh, I meant playing with) his big brother. The time went all too quickly and now we are back home with cherished memories and lots of pictures. It was good to get back to Hopkinsville to see our three grandchildren here. Gosh, how I missed them while I was gone! It's that 'want my cake and eat it too' syndrome. No matter which kids I am with, I am missing the other ones! I am treasuring this time y'all, because I know that tomorrow life could take a turn, thrusting me into a not so happy place.

I see it happening all around me. People with deep hurts. Friends battling huge health issues. Marriages falling apart. Jobs lost. Death of loved ones. Life is not always happy. Or good.

But, oh sweet friends, God is always good. He always loves. He always comforts. He promises to never leave us, to never forsake us. He promises to guide us if we seek Him and listen to Him.

Some seasons cause us to burst out in praise and thanksgiving. Others drive us to our knees, crying out to Him and asking WHY? There are times when, in our pain or anger, we turn away from God. But He is always there.

He enjoys our praise. He understands our anger, our questioning, our pain. He loves us through it all.

I don't know what season you find yourself in right now, but I encourage you to keep your face turned toward God. Praise Him for all that He has done for you, pour out your frustrations, ask your questions, give Him your tears. He wants it all! The good, the bad, the pretty and the ugly. He loves us deeply. He walks with us through every season and will lead us through this journey until we are home with Him.

I pray you feel His touch today.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Defiance, Texas & why I've spent time there

I've been visiting some folks in Defiance, Texas off and on since August. I was first introduced to them through Mary DeMuth's first novel of her Defiance Texas Trilogy, "Daisy Chain". You may remember that was the book I just couldn't put down during one of my weekend R & R's.

Most of the time when I get to the end of a good book, it leaves me wanting more. The characters in the story have become real and I want to know what else happened in their life. Such was the case with "Daisy Chain". I wanted to know more about Daisy's momma, Emory. And about Hixon, the kindly man who seemed to live his life as a 'Jesus with shoes on'. Mystery and intrigue lingered over Defiance like fog on a rainy and humid summer day. I wanted to see the sun shine again! In "Slow Burn", her second book in the series, Mary DeMuth weaves the magic of her storytelling, taking us deeper into the fabric of Defiance and the people who live there. Brief shafts of sunlight begin to burn away the fog. Some questions are answered while others...well, let's just say there has to be a third book so we can wrap up the rest of the loose ends!

If you like good Christian fiction and good mystery stories, I highly recommend you read both "Daisy Chain" and "A Slow Burn", then anxiously wait with me for the conclusion. You can find both books at To find out more about Mary visit her website at

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Idols - Not Just American

Idol: Anything we put before God in our lives.

I've read devotions about it. Heard sermons about it. Beth Moore talked about it in her "Living Proof Live" simulcast in August. Then during our revival a couple of weeks ago, there it was again.

I know that God is really trying to get my attention when the same subject/Scripture/issue keeps coming up from varying sources. Usually it means that I need to search my life to see how it applies to me. Most of the time I don't need to search long because God is really good about revealing my areas that need working on.

Girlfriends, this whole idol thing covers a lot of area. Did you, like me, check off multiple descriptions on the revival handout covering 'love of self, love of pleasure, love of money, and love of ? Now I confess that for a moment I thought, 'Hey, not too bad. There are more unchecked than checked.' God didn't let me get away with that for very long - actually I think it was less than a nano second before I heard Him say, 'Even one is too many.'

So this is where I am parked for a few days. Really looking at the ways my life bears out the truth in my heart. Asking Him to quickly convict me when my attitudes, thoughts, and actions are born from love of anything or any one but Him. Easy? NO!! Worth it? Oh, yes!

We were created by Him and for Him, for His glory. For that to happen it must be...

...less of me and more of Him. That is the process of being conformed to the image of Christ. As His follower, what else could I want?


Monday, September 28, 2009

The Week After...

...revival. What are we going to do with it? Some of us will put all of our notes together and package it up like a pretty scrapbook to be looked at from time to time, reminiscing about how good it was. Others will allow newer things to cover up those notes, eventually just tossing them out. Yet others may have aleady thrown them out, thinking it was good while it lasted but this is a new week. Can't stay there, gotta keep moving...

Before you decide (or, by default, fall into one of these categories), let's think again about Ryan's definition of revival.

Revival is...the extraordinary movement of the Spirit of God upon the hearts of His people that produces extraordinary results.
...a community saturated by God.
...Christ Himself seen, felt, heard, living, active, moving in and through His body on earth.

We experienced four days of 'revival' services but have we truly been revived? That is not a question that can be answered right away. You see, revival will result in changed lives and a changed church.

It will mean being obedient to the extraordinary movement of the Holy Spirit so that He can produce extraordinary results. Being willing to examine the deepest parts of ourselves and allowing God's holy light to shine on the darkness. Allowing Him to change us. Becoming that community of believers who are, indeed, saturated by God. It is not something that just happens during a few church services. It means that we are to allow Him to continue with the changes He started in each of us.

That will look a little different for each of us. I want to share a bit of my personal journey with you over the next few weeks and hope you will be encouraged to share yours as well through the comments section of each post.

There was so much good stuff to absorb. Y'all, I was just writing like crazy and still didn't get it all down. Every night I felt like I needed to go home and spend a couple of hours going over my notes and digesting all that God spoke to me through Ryan. Of course, that didn't (couldn't) happen. There were still things to get done to take care of the house, my hubby, and then ready for the next work day. It would be way too easy for me to leave my notes all stacked up with the CD copies thinking "Im going to..." and never go back to them. You know, life happens!

So here's what I am doing this week to make sure that doesn't happen. (This whole discipline thing takes some work, right?) I am taking one session at a time, going over my notes and their handouts, and then journeling about what stood out the most to me. Where did God shout the loudest? What did He reveal about me and to me that I need to confess, repent of, accept His forgiveness for and strength to overcome?

Day One, Session One - Brokeness. My concept of brokenness has always been related to tears, to falling down on knees with a heavy feeling of remorse. I am not an emotional gal. While others are tearing up or crying, most of the time I remain dry-eyed. I have often wondered if something is wrong with me. Do I just not have an ounce of compassion if I am rarely moved to tears? Then this definition of brokenness - it is not a feeling or a one time experience, but a choice-an act of my will. (This was one of those aha moments for me!) This concept of brokenness is liberating for me. Just because I don't feel broken (ie. hurting, crying) doesn't mean I'm not. I have a choice and that is to acknowledge God as Lord of my life. To admit to my sinfulness and bow to His authority in and over my life. To acknowledge my daily, hourly, moment by moment need for His help to live in obedience to Him. To change my automatic response to life and people from one arising from a proud heart to one arising from a broken heart. Broken my my realization that without Him I can never respond as He desires me to.

God had already been working on this pride thing in me. Showing me how the seed of insecurity has produced the fruit of pride, poisoning my behaviors and attitudes. Reminding me that I can't magically change simply because I see the bare naked truth of what/who I am. I need Him desperately. My heart's cry is God, I need You to change my heart. I need You to help me throw down pride and then humbly accept a mantle of brokenness so that You have free reign in my heart. Free reign to change me from a self-centered and prideful woman to a God-saturated woman who is a vessel You can use to draw others into Your kingdom.

I pray that He is doing a work in your hearts too. Please let Him. Then Christ Himself will be seen, felt, heard, living, active, and moving in and through His body of believers here at Hillcrest.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Revive Us Oh Lord

Revival begins in the heart and soul, but cannot be contained there, soon it blossoms into interactions with others...a fragrant gift, one that others will be impacted by in recognition, conviction, or transformation.

This week we have been blessed to have the men, women, and children of Life Action ministries sharing God's word, His love, and applications for our daily walk with God. Today the ladies had a wonderful luncheon to share, learn, and fellowship...this time is impacting lives, bringing revival...thank you Lord!

Here are a few prayers and testimonies I pulled from the web tonight:
(Thank you ladies for sharing!)

Praying for revival at Hillcrest. Humbled people, real changes. Consider fasting as you cry out to God for great things.
I was at the church all day today and the team started setting up this pm....Pray that the revival will be a huge success!
I've been praying for it here too! Someone told me the other week that for revival to happen it takes MORE than just Prayer. Those that are willing to Pray ALSO have to be willing to get up and GO! Start something, say something, BE BOLD! I have been SO convicted of that lately....I am starting the study The Way of the Master. Can't wait to see the Revival that God IS bringing to a city near you!

Invites everyone to come to revival at Hillcrest Baptist Church this week. Monday through Wednesday at 6:30 pm. Life Action has a great team!
Both services today were awesome!!!

Life Action Ministries... awesome revival.. awesome ladies luncheon today! Can not wait to go back tonight!

Holiness, hmmmmmmm. am i set apart or part of the world? Revival is good.

:) Revival at Hillcrest is awesome. Come tonight at 6:30.

I am loving Life Action Ministries! What a great revival we are having! Something I got from them today at the women's luncheon: If you have a little girl around around 6 through 8 yrs old, you MUST buy them the book The Princess... and The Kiss -- what a wonderful story and great parenting tool (there's a workbook for moms with girls a little older)!

We have been blessed by the Life Action team.

Women's luncheon today was GREAT. Just what I needed.

It was wonderful! Great food and great message! It was a message ALL ladies should hear!! Please tell me sometime I would love to hear more about it.
Even better! when I'm done with all the material, I will pass it on!!
Please do I would love to read it... Thanks

Praying that God will reveal to me those that I have unknowingly hurt in the past so that I can make things right....
I can't imagine you hurting a flea! But none the less, if you ask for it - you will receive. He's said so!
It is funny u r saying something about forgiveness, my Pastor just preached on that! Also having unforgiveness in our hearts about things others have done to us! Sometimes that keeps us from receiving healing and blessings.

Thankful for revival...God uses irritating sand to create a pearl, fire for pottery and times of personal reflection, evaluation, and His conviction to move us closer to His heart and within His plan.

Before Grace we cry out G-I-N-Y (God I need You)...then He fills us up and HE says to us G-I-N-Y (Grace is in you)!! Revival at Hillcrest this week with Life Action ministries filled us up, overflowing, blessed, with God's Amazing... Grace. Thank you Lord, God, for a wonderful week!!!

All of the people with the revival team are so wonderful and gracious(?) that I hate see them go. I know we have all the enjoyed the revival and wish it could last longer so that the blessings and revelations could keep coming.

Sad that this is the last night for revival.. but, we can keep it going within ourselves!.. although we go through seasons in our walks with God.. it makes it all that much sweeter when we get revived and our fires burn hotter!!!
WOW!!!!! I couldn't have said it better myself. Hasn't God done an awesome job with the message he has provided for us through this Life Action team. It has made a HUGE impact on my family.

Sad that it's the last night at revival. wish it was longer. but i am revived!! life is short people, make it right with everyone. most especially God. He longs to have a relationship with all of us. what if we spent the same amount of time the Word as we do on fb? what if we really prayed instead of gossiped? what if we loved like Jesus?

What I hear above is sincere prayers for change, excitement, thankfulness. Ladies as we move into Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, etc. we must remember to remain vigilant. Take this time of God working in our lives and pray for God to give us the self-discipline, the tenacity, and the joy to continue our journey of growth with God.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 (New International Version)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Missing in Action

Have you wondered where I am? Why it has been two weeks without a post? Did I simply disappear?

The first question only you can answer! I can tackle the other two. Why so long without writing? My all too frequent, but true, answer is that I've been busy. First with an extended weekend visit to northern Indiana to visit with family. Family that we get to see far too infrequently. Then life...back home to a compressed work week and once again I found myself to be quite exhausted by the weekend. Result? Sleeping late, napping, and generally just feeling blah. All too soon Monday rolled around and the race continued. And the stress mounted.

So you see, I didn't disappear. Just got caught up in a self imposed, too full calendar and ran until I simply ran out of me. Seems like that has become a way of life. And ya know what? I am realizing I just can't do that any more. While all of the things that take up space and time on my calendar are important and good things, I am being depleted. Depleted isn't a good place to be. 'Cause then I become either a crabby person who is not fun to be around OR I withdraw from everything and everyone, craving to be a silent hermit. You know, that 'stop the world and let me off for awhile' kind of hermit!

If you have been a reader of this blog for awhile, you may be thinking "I see a trend here." (Or you're thinking, 'get off of this subject, already!!') However, I'm thinking that there are other women out there who can relate.

The past few days found me at one of my lowest points. A place where I cried out to God to fix me, asking Him why I can't do it all without crashing. 'What is wrong with me, God?', I asked. And you know what? I am getting answers. Truthful answers from God to counter the lies that Satan would have me believe. One truth is that I simply can't do it all because I have chosen to fill my calendar with too many outside activities. I say yes too often. I attend some functions because I'll feel guilty if I don't or I'm afraid I will offend someone by not showing up or I think I am expected to be there. It's not that those functions or the people involved aren't important. Most of them are very important. But the bottom line truth is...I can't do it all. I have to choose wisely and that means I have to balance my schedule to protect my health, mental and physical.

So my new calendar is going to have more blanks in it. Fewer evenings away from home. More time to rest and recharge. More time to listen to what God is speaking to me. Above all else, I want to be fully engaged in this wonderful relationship that God has called me into. I don't want to miss even one of His whispers. I don't want to spend my time pursuing anything other than what He desires me to.

Missing in action? Not really. Just consumed by the captivity of activity. But I am choosing now, with God's help, to break free of that captivity.

I think you'll notice a difference! I know my family will.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What's taking a bite out of your delight?

What an awesome experience many of us shared at the Living Proof Live simulcast last weekend. Some of you were right there with me at Second B., others were in another of the 516 locations. All of us were joined together in spirit, worshipping God and hearing Him speak a word to us.

You know, I don't think I'll ever get over the amazement of how He speaks a different word to each of us out of the same message. But if we are listening, He does just that.

I was scribbling notes as fast as my fingers could make that pen move but I know there were probably things worth remembering that I didn't get down on paper. I've gone over my notes a couple of times since the weekend. I want to be sure to ponder on those things He spoke to my heart. Ponder - not to memorize, but to absorb the nuggets of truth He revealed. To allow Him to change me.

I borrowed a line from Beth Moore in titling today's post. I loved her analogy of a jaw taking a bite. Great visual! Of the three things she described as delight stealers, the one that resonated most with me was anger. Anger? Some of you may be asking yourselves, "Her angry? No way!" But when she made the statement, 'Anger can show a control issue.' she had me nailed. That control monster? Oh, she lives large and in charge in my life.

Granted, I don't usually show out with a bout of anger, at least not the raging, yelling kind of anger. But irritability? Oh yeah, I can go there in less than a heartbeat. God kinda got me thinking these past few days. Isn't irritability really anger, just packaged in a more 'polite' term? When I put my bouts of irritability up to God's litmus test, I must admit it comes out positive for the control monster nearly every time. If I am irritable it is probably because something didn't go the way I wanted it to. Plans changed without consulting me. Someone or something got the attention I wanted. I, I, I...see a trend there? My irritability (a.k.a. anger) comes out when I feel I am not able to control a situation or person.

That control issue? Well, too many times I've kinda worn it like a badge of honor. Many of us who are afflicted with it do. Put me in a room with a group of fellow control freaks and we are having our own little convention in no time. I chime in along with the rest of them, "It's just the way I am, right?" Well, not really. Can't use that excuse anymore 'cause God is revealing to me more and more about how I need to let go of that monster. She's not really my friend. And I am SO NOT in control! He is. Even when I pretend to be. Even when I try to be. Girlfriends, this chick is tired of trying to be in control. It flat wears me out, frazzles my nerves, and makes me irritable. Transferred into relationships, it just doesn't work.

So there you have it. The biggest thing I took away from LPL last weekend. The first thing that God wants me give up, once and for all. And I am ready to give it up. Why? Because I'm tired of fighting it, I'm tired of the irritable, grumpy me that too easily shows up. But most importantly, because I want to be able to truly delight in God. And that, my friends, will be much more priceless than any control I pretended to have.


Thursday, August 27, 2009


Desire. What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear that word? Are your desires for physical things? A new car, a bigger house, a different neighborhood? Maybe your desires are for a relationship. A husband (or maybe you desire the husband you have to act differently - wishing for that imagined 'perfect' man), children (or children who are perfectly behaved - don't think that is going to happen). Pehaps your relationship desires are focused on your parent(s).

We all have desires. That, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. Until ... we allow our desires for physical things or earthly relationships to become the primary focus of our lives.

We were created by our Holy God to desire Him. No other desires, even if we were to receive all of them, will ever fill the void in our lives that only He can fill.

This weekend many of us will have an opportunity to hear Beth Moore speak about 'Coming Home to the Heart of Our Desire'. If you live in the Green Bay, Wisconsin area you can be there live! Most of us will experience the 'Living Proof Live' conference via simulcast. Either way, I encourage you to join us to hear what God says about the heart of our desire. If you are in the Hopkinsville area, come on over to Second Baptist Church - doors open Friday at 6:00pm and Saturday at 7:30am. If you can't make it to Hoptown, check out the Living Proof Live website to find a location near you. I can promise you that if you come with an open heart and a willingness to listen for to God speak, you will not leave disappointed.

I hope to see you there!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Time to Rest

Running in high gear the past few weeks, resting was something I was doing in short bursts. Yes, even resting was done in 'bursts'! By Saturday afternoon, I was tired. Not the rewarding kind of physical tired that results after a high level workout or afternoon of gardening or yard work.

No, this was the emotional, physical, mental tired that went to the core. The kind of tired that says "Stop the world and let me off for awhile." After wrapping up a WM Leadership Team planning meeting around 1:00, I ate a quick lunch with my husband and then crashed on the couch for a nap. Two and a half hours later I woke up! Supper? No way was I cooking so we went out to eat. Back home I relaxed on our patio with a good book. (Daisy Chain by Mary's great!) Nothing else on my agenda that evening. Sunday afternoon? Another nap after church and lunch. By then I was feeling revived enough to be 'Suzy Homemaker' and cook my husband's favorite Sunday dinner - fried chicken. I even baked brownies for dessert. By Sunday night I was feeling much better. Ready to get back on the spinning world and continue with life.

I'll let you in on something. This gal's guilt gene kicks into overdrive when I take time out like I did this past weekend. I hear words (not really, just thoughts) like lazy, slothful, non-productive. (Jennifer Rothschild's new study, "Me, Myself & Lies" is helping me deal with that issue.)

I love the way God prepares me for something before it happens. For the past few weeks I have come across several writings about God's provision of rest, His mandate to rest, and the importance of rest. He knew I was getting ready to hit the wall yet again and He knows how hard it is for me to rest without guilt. So this weekend I savored my rest as a gift from God. I enjoyed reading a good book, sitting outdoors just soaking up the sweet fresh air, even enjoyed cooking that dinner. I do love to cook when I don't feel rushed to get it done between other tasks in my agenda. And Monday morning? Well, I can't say I was ready to hit the ground running. But I was ready to work again, ready for whatever and whoever He wanted to bring into my life that day.

Rest. It is something I know I must plan for. It is something this list making, over achieving, God's girl is going to allow time for.............without guilt!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Who's Your Mama? (In-Law, that is!)

In one of the writing workshops I attended at She Speaks we were asked to write down the different roles we fulfill and/or challenges we have faced. The leader then challenged us to think about how we could take what we have learned or what we are experiencing and use it to encourage others.

One of the many 'hats' I wear is that of mother-in-law. I have been blessed with two wonderful daughters-in-law whom I love dearly. I haven't experienced the turmoil that some women do when their sons marry. But I have to admit that I used to worry that when the day came, I would be automatically assumed to be the dreaded mother-in-law.

I believe one of the reasons I have a good relationship with my daughters-in-law is that I automatically gave up my place as the woman in each son's life as soon as it became apparent this was 'the one'! No questions asked, no hesitation. I treated each young woman as the special person she is. After all, she was marrying a son of mine....she had to be special! I did not feel threatened by her. I knew I had a good relationship with my sons and didn't need to jockey for position. I knew they were not abandoning me and would remain very much a part of my life. After raising two sons, I was looking forward to some female companionship in the family as well!

Of course, this is my perception coming from my side of the relationships. Daphne & Tara may have completely different ideas!

I have also been a daughter-in-law and was blessed with a godly, kind and loving mother-in-law. We got along famously, though she died four short years after Larry & I married. What worked for us? She willingly put me first in Larry's life, reinforcing it with word and deed. I honored her relationship with her son, encouraging him to spend time with her.

I'm not writing this to pat myself on the back or to say I'm an expert at good mother/daughter-in-law relationships. I just know what has worked for me. I would love to hear your stories. What works for you? What doesn't work? What would the 'perfect' relationship look like to you? You can post your stories anonomously and even change the names to protect the innocent! Maybe we can learn from one another.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Abundant Life

My cup runneth over and over and over! Last weekend I was blessed with the opportunity to attend She Speaks, a conference for Christian women who feel the call to write, speak, or lead women's ministries. I chose to attend the writers' track in order to begin to fulfill a call on my life that God has been nurturing for a few years. I went with no agenda other than to be open to everything that God wanted to show me and wanted me to learn. Wow! God showed up in a mighty way.

I made lots of new friends, friends who share the desire to spread God's message through the written and/or spoken word. A gal who normally chooses to pay extra for the privilege of rooming alone, on this trip God prompted me to let Him choose my roommate. He blessed me with a dear, dear new friend. It was almost uncanny, the way we have so many things in common. From the moment I walked into the hotel room, it was as though we were long time friends who had simply not seen each other for awhile. Kay, I am abundantly blessed to be able to call you friend. Can't wait to see what God unfolds for us as our friendship grows. (Love that IKEA thing too, girlfriend!)

Other new friends are my newly formed online writers' critique group. Seven new friends from several different states will join me to encourage one another, pray with and for one another, and give each other feedback on our writing. Sisters In Ink, I love you muchly already!

I arrived in Concord, NC on Friday as one of several first time conference attendees. I left Sunday afternoon with a heart overflowing with God's love and a renewed confidence in His calling on my life. Then life...

...a phone call as I was driving home to tell me my daughter-in-law was going back to the emergency room for an ongoing problem that first arose on Thursday night. (Both times while I was traveling for this conference.) Monday...a return trip to her doctor who decided emergency surgery was necessary. Hubby & I took over kid care while son stayed with DIL at the hospital. School was ready to start and there were still supplies to purchase. So I joined the crowd of moms at the local stores to fill up our carts with the necessary pencils, paper, etc. Youngest granchild is not quite three years old so he was a bit ruffled by mom & dad being away. However, we managed to keep him entertained so it seemed more like just another fun time with Papa & Mama. DIL's surgery was successful and she is home recovering nicely. Kids are in school with all supplies purchased. Hubby & I are tired but thankful that we were here to help. After all, this is what family is all about!

One of the speakers at the conference reminded us to expect an attack from Satan since he is always looking for opportunities to try to discourage us or cause us to stumble when we have stepped out in obedience to God. She encouraged us to be prepared ahead of time by growing closer to God, soaking up His word and spending time in prayer.

There have been times in the past when I have come home from a mountain top experience such as this, encountered a life storm, and become almost instantly pulled into the poor me syndrome. This time has been different. Though at times over the past week I have felt like I have been on a speeding train, there never was a time that I felt life was out of control. Never a time when I thought, "Oh my, I am too exhausted to go on." Never a time that I felt resentment, frustration, or other negative emotion. I believe that is due simply to God's preparation in my heart for what He knew was coming. If you've been keeping up with this blog, you know I have written before about the difference between the busy life and the full life. This week has been absolutely the full life. How I've responded to it has been the abundant life promised to us by our Savior.

And that is something to shout about!


Monday, July 13, 2009

The Fullness of Life, Continued...

If you were inspired to think about the whole busy vs. full topic from a couple of posts back, you will enjoy this article I read today. Go to and read "Living Life to the Full" by Berni Dymet. I think you will be blessed!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Girlfriend Time!

Hey y'all! Don't forget that tomorrow night is our monthly girlfriend time, better known as Chatty Cappuccino Cafe. We are going to have a great time and want you to be here with us. So...........just show up at the Fellowship Hall tomorrow (that's Friday, July 10th). Bring a friend if you don't want to come on your own....the more the merrier!! We will have some light refreshments but also welcome you to bring one of your favorite goodies to share. We craft, play board/card games, sometimes swap books or magazines, but most importantly share some sweet girlfriend time.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Busy, Full, or both?

I remember thinking, when my boys were children at home and I was trying to be a wife, mom, and balance a career, that things would slow down when I was older. Watching women who had transitioned into that 'empty nester' stage I reasoned that they must have lots of free time to pursue hobbies, take extended vacations, and otherwise spend their carefree days. Do what?!

Either I had blinders on when making those observations or times have really changed drastically. I seem to be busier than ever. I still struggle to find time to pursue hobbies. Extended vacation? A long weekend is about all I can muster these days. Carefree days? Depends on how you define carefree.

Before you get the notion that I am complaining, let me tell you about some of the people and activities that keep me busy. I am a wife to a wonderful man that I enjoy spending lots of time with, whether that is sitting together on our patio reading, riding our bikes, or sharing chores around the house. I am mother to two sons, both married, making me mother-in-law to two daughters-in-law that I love like they are my daughters. I am grandmother of four (soon to be five!) precious grandchildren. (Oh, don't get me started or I am apt to bore you for hours talking about my grandkids.)

In the past several weeks my schedule has been very full. My oldest granddaughter & I took a long weekend trip to eastern Kentucky and West Virginia, back to where my husband and I grew up. I wanted to show her where we lived as children, where we went to school, and describe to her our lives as they were as we were growing up. Show her where her great-grandparents are buried. At the community cemetary where my husband's family graves are, there are also two more generations back buried side by side. How wonderful to be able to share with her of how Larry's great-grandfather came to the United States from Poland, and though he never learned to speak English very well, worked hard and raised his family. It put a sense of reality to the family stories we have been telling her as she has grown up. My youngest granddaughter has been playing softball, two nights a week, for six weeks or more. We've spent quite a few hours at the ballfield! All of those things adding to an already busy schedule. 'Cause I also work full time, help coordinate our Women's Ministry activities, help facilitate & attend Girlfriends & God on Wednesday evenings, and try to keep up with my friends and make time to nurture those relationships. Whew!!

I admit that there are times when I sigh and moan about how busy life is. But when I stop to reflect about what makes it so busy, I realize that I should change how I describe it. Life is full! So much of what makes my life busy is wrapped up in family and friends, those people that God has given me to richly bless my life. Other things that cause business are sometimes necessary (like grocery shopping, laundry, and housework!). Some things that cause business are not necessary and those are the ones that I realize I should be careful in my choice to participate or not.

I want to live the abundant life that Jesus tells us is ours when we live for Him. I want to wring out every second of every day, wasting not a precious moment. So when I am tempted to think in a negative kind of way about how busy life is, I am asking God to remind me to choose the positive and celebrate how full my life is.

What about you? Busy or full or both - how would you describe your life?


Friday, May 29, 2009

Sound Thinking

Our topic at Girlfriends and God this week was 'sound thinking'. Suzanne gave us a handout that listed characteristics of a woman who does not have sound thinking and those of a woman who does have sound thinking. We went through the lists and talked about what each characteristic looked like lived out. Each woman there could identify with one or more behaviors on the 'does not have' list and all agreed we wish we could say we live 100% of the time having and demonstrating sound thinking. Kind of reminded me of how I have responded in the past when I read Proverbs 31. Made me tired just reading through the list. Made me feel like a failure because I immediately started comparing myself with what I perceived to be the unachievable godly woman I should be.

But over the years, God has helped me to see that He never expected me to suddenly be that 'perfect' woman. I am a work in progress. So when my mind started traveling down that comparison road on Wednesday, I was able to steer it back to reality. My reality is that I am not the woman I used to be. I could look at the 'does not have sound thinking' list and see behaviors that I have overcome, praise God! I could look at the 'does have' list and see that I really do exhibit a lot of those characteristics. At least most of the time! And I know and am encouraged that He is not finished working on me.

Neither is He finished with you. We are all works in progress and will be for the rest of our days in this life. "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, Who is the Spirit." 2 Corinthian 3:18 (NIV)


Friday, May 15, 2009

When God calls

How do we respond to God when He calls us to do something? Do we readily obey when we hear His slightest whisper? Or do we ignore Him, even when He shouts? I don't know how you are answering this question but in my life I have done both. Unfortunately, I fall into the latter category more often than I do the first.

We can find examples of both responses through out the Bible. The twelve disciples didn't hesitate when Jesus asked them to follow Him. On the other hand, 8 of the 10 spies saw the giants in the land and tuned out God's instruction to go into the land He was going to give them. I want to be like the disciples. I want to immediately obey without considering the cost. But I find myself analyzing too much. Questioning my hearing. Counting the cost and weighing it against what I perceive to be the rewards. Basically, ignoring His call so that I can remain in my cozy little comfort zone.

Such is a recent struggle in my life. I first felt God's call to a new adventure about 5 or 6 years ago. After only a small amount of procrastination, I tentatively stepped out and began preparation to fulfill that call. But then life got busy, I let distractions consume the time I should have been using to prepare and go forward. After awhile it became easy to simply think it was all in my head. Just another one of those self centered dreams that wasn't from God after all.

But you know what? When God is calling us to do something for Him, He will not allow us to continue to ignore Him. The past few months He has revived that dream and given me confirmation after confirmation that this is indeed from Him and I am to GET MOVING! So I am stepping out in faith and doing just that. Baby steps to be sure, but I am moving forward. Oh, those doubting thoughts still try to creep in and my life seems to have gotten even more crazy busy. But God gives me just the right word every day to encourage me and keep me on the path. Sometimes it comes from a devotion. Other days it is in a song I hear or a sermon. Many times it is simply straight from His Word.

So what is God asking you to do? Are you like the disciples, immediately saying yes and ready for the task? Or are you like I have been, waiting and wondering? Seek His confirmation and once you have it, don't hesitate. Say yes and watch what God will do. I would love to hear your stories of how God is working in your life. Just click on comments below and share with us.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

April Showers Bring May Flowers

This year I have especially enjoyed during the sunny/dry moments to walk around my yard and see the beautiful plants growing around. I only grow plants that anyone could grow, they have to be hearty, and I don't have a neatly landscaped yard.

What I do have is a garden filled with love.

My mother & father bought me the plant below; this is the first year that it has had more than five blooms & they are so beautiful.
This flower reminds me to be thankful for my parents and the seeds they have planted in my life, they have helped me grow so much.

The purple iris is majestic, the color of royalty, it reminds me that I am of royal lineage in God's family. I am a child of the King!

"Live Forever" are one of my favorite garden greens.

It is simple, but it grows & multiplies each year. I have over five of these plants that were all started from one. As Christians, we should share our faith, so that many others around us will also "live forever" one day with Christ.

Below is a pink beauty, this flower reminds me of the promise,
"One day every knee will bow"
You see as beautiful as this flower is, it is so large & heavy that the blooms bow over.
No matter how beautiful, powerful, or great we are, it takes the Master's nail pierced hands to lift us up.

I hope you enjoyed the flowers, and the story of my yard.

Do you have flowers or a garden in your yard?
What stories can you tell through God's creation?

I would like you to email me your pictures or bring me a copy to church, along with your story & we will post them to the blog.

I bet each of our gardens & stories are as unique as we are as daughters of God.
Combined together they make a beautiful bouquet.
Have a very blessed day!

05/10/09 - Pictures & quotes by Heather D.
"I love to get photos of God's beauty!"

"April 24th first bloom for my Dutch Iris"

"first time they have ever flowered."

"the white and purple ones are my favorite"

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hope for the Future...

Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I have been contemplating this verse for about a month now. It is God's promise to His people and in the good times it is very easy to claim this verse, however, in the tough times sometimes it is hard to really live the promise.

Today I was notified that a business associate lost their job. It rattled me to the core as I thought what I would do if I had moved my family to a new state, bought an expensive house, then with less than six months into the job be let go. I offered prayers for my friend and told him that it will work out, but in my mind I wondered how his family will make it in this economy and job market.

Tonight I received an adoption update on a special needs child. A little girl with limb differences thousands of miles away in an orphanage. All I wanted to do was reach through the computer screen and bring her to my home to love and raise. How sad to see this child, my son's age, without a loving family to raise her.

However, God does not want us to live in a state of discouragement or sadness. His Word promises hope and a future.

I am sure that you know someone in your life who is hurting, who has lost a job, who does not have the love of a parent or a child in their life. This is God's gift that we may show His hope and love to those in need. Today you may give the gift of hope, on another day you may be recipient of this gift.

Whose life will you impact this week with the gift of hope, the gift of prayer, the gift of Christ's love?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Numbers and the Performance Trap

This blogspot is still in its infancy stage but already I find myself expecting more. More time to post more frequently. More comments. More feedback. Are we just writing to ourselves or is anybody out there really visiting and reading what we post? One of our co-authors asked me this week if I had thought about adding a counter so we can see if we are getting 'hits'. It was a question that I had already been asking myself for the past couple of weeks.

Then on one of my favorite blogs the author talked about numbers. How she had a counter on her blogspot but when it filled up, all of a sudden she found herself back to square one - not knowing if anyone was visiting the blog. How she had to revisit why she posts blogs in the first place.

It got me to thinking. (Funny how God kicks that thinking part of my brain in gear!) Thinking about why we are driven to collect statistics. Granted, statistics aren't all bad. Much to the contrary, collecting and analyzing data is very important in many areas. It can make a difference between success and failure. What business person would start up a new business or begin an expansion of their business without research and market analysis? Doing so could mean failure of their venture within a short period of time. On the other hand, we Americans have become so performance driven that we base our perception of success or failure on numbers or the lack of.

That measure of success is the worldly definition. It is not God's. We look at a visible yardstick. God looks at the invisible spiritual markers. There are numerous examples in the Bible of instances where the world would scream "failure" but God said "success"! What about Joseph? Definitely his brothers thought failure when they sold him into slavery. Years (and several other worldly defined 'failures') later, Joseph was able to tell them God intended it for good and to enable their very lives to be spared during a ravaging famine. Sarah? Way past child bearing age, she had been labeled barren, failing to provide children to her husband. Then God's promise was fullfilled in Isaac. Elizabeth? Another barren woman - another 'failure'. Then God defined success and gave her John. The list could go on and on.

So I am back to the question about adding a counter to our site. And I've decided that yes, we need to do that. We need to be able to evaluate every aspect of our ministry to ensure we are reaching women and making a difference in their lives. The counter will let us see whether or not people are visiting this blog. As far as comments and feedback...................well, I am leaving that part of the measuring in God's hands!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Grateful Heart

Monday was one of those days that reminds me of the day after Christmas. You know after all the excitement is over, the packages are unwrapped, and the company is gone? When you feel just a little bit like a deflated balloon. The reason I was feeling droopy is because it was the day after a long awaited and much anticipated weekend visit babysitting my sweet grandson in Indy. Just like all visits with him and his parents, time went much too quickly and all too soon we were all packed up and driving south again, reliving over and over his smiles, his love of balls, our visit to the park, watching him bathe french fries in ketchup.

And then.....I realized I had slipped into what I call the 'Eve syndrome'. Eve had everything she could have ever dreamed of all around her in a perfect and sinless world. She walked with God in the garden every day. It was paradise. But then she listened to satan as he turned her thoughts and eyes toward the one thing God told her she couldn't have. Soon she could only think about what she didn't have and those thoughts turned into desire. Forgotten was the bounty of good all around her. Forgotten was the sweet fellowship with God.

When I allow myself to focus on what I don't have, I am just like Eve. My focus is not on God and all His wonderful blessings. My focus is on me and what I don't have. I begin to think things like "if only I could", "if only I had", or "I wish things were different". I sound like a spoiled kid and that is exactly what I am. I don't like me when I am acting like a spoiled kid and I'm very sure that God isn't happy with my attitude. Oh, He still loves me. He loves me so much that He doesn't let me stay in my pity party very long. So, I am choosing this week to have a grateful heart.

I am thankful for the opportunity we had to spend uninterupted time with our little Lincoln. I am thankful for being able to attend church with my son and daughter-in-law. I am thankful that we live in the same town as do our other 3 grandchildren which blesses me to be a part of their everyday lives. (Guess you get the drift that I love, love, love being a Grandmother!!)
I am thankful for new friends (Beth, you rock! I'm so glad that God introduced us to each other.) I am thankful for old friends who share a love of reading and willingly share their books with me. I am thankful for warm spring days, flowers blooming, and the smell of freshly mown grass. I am thankful for my favorite place to buy spring plants and hanging baskets (Ky American Seeds--the Petty's are awesome folks.)

I could keep going but I would rather leave you now with this challenge. Make your own 'things I'm thankful for' list this week. No matter what you are going through, I promise that you will be sporting a new attitude when you look at life through the lens of a grateful heart. What are you thankful for?

Hugs from a thankful woman,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

He is risen!

Another Easter Sunday is drawing to a close. Like a lot of folks, my family had a big dinner with ham and all the trimmings including a yummy heath bar cake that my daughter-in-law makes that is sinfully delicious! Of course we were all way too stuffed afterwards but that didn't keep us from spending some time outdoors hiding eggs and watching our younger grandchildren have fun hunting them. A wonderful time building memories - for us and for them.

As enjoyable as all that was, it pales in comparison to the reason we celebrate Easter in the first place. He is risen! Our Savior, our Jesus, our Redeemer conquered death and made possible our reconciliation to a Holy God. A God who loves us so much that He was willing to give all just so we could know Him and have a relationship with Him. My mind can hardly grasp the fringes of how deep, how wide, how wonderful that love is. But oh, how my heart feels it!

I pray that your heart feels it too. I pray that you accept His love, His amazing gift of salvation and redemption, and, along with me, celebrate Easter as we proclaim "He is risen!"


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bow the Knee

Today my family went to the viewing of Bow the Knee. It is always amazing to see how God can bless a church when two or three are gathered in His name. We have seen this presentation in past years, however, this year we saw things through different eyes (and the comments of our two year old). Yes, this is a great opportunity for all including our little ones.

Throughout the presentation our son learned how to pick out Jesus in the crowd, to wave his hands (hosanna), lights on/lights off, exit left - Bye/Bye, and Jesus goes up, up, up. He also told Jesus to "wake up" while he was on the cross...he was really excited when Jesus came on stage after the Resurrection. I am so thankful that we have a church that truly has a burden for the lost and for our children.

After the presentation we were able to meet Jesus, the soldiers, and the people of the city. As people began taking off their headpieces, our eight year old realized how many of our friends and Sunday School classmates were in the play. What a great example these friends are setting for our children.

Have you been to Bow the Knee? If not please make plans to go over the next two weekends. Prepare to receive a blessing! May God greatly bless your lives this week!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Ways to 'do' conferences!

I have some exciting news to share! In August (28 & 29 to be exact) the Women's Ministries of Hillcrest Baptist and Second Baptist are partnering to bring Beth Moore's Living Proof simulcast to Hopkinsville. If you have been blessed to attend one of Beth's conferences, then you know you are in for a treat. If you haven't, well this will be your opportunity to experience all the best features of the conference which, of course, are Beth's godly teaching and Travis Cottrell's awesome leading of our praise and worship time. There are a few details still to work out but the date is set and plans are firm so.................mark your calendars and plan to join us. Just think - no long commute, parking woes, or expense of hotel and extra meals. Just Beth, Travis, and your girlfriends!

While browsing through a few of my favorite blogspots this week I came across another cool way to participate in a conference-------------online! Check it out here -

Hey, I'm all about getting the benefits from hearing godly women speak about their experiences and what God has taught/is teaching them. And when I can do that at home in my pajamas?! Well now, that just has to be the best thing since sliced bread. Registration is half price through April 1st and it comes with extra 'goodies' plus if you are unable to log in and hear a workshop live, you can download it at any time at no extra cost.

Hope you are inspired by these upcoming events.



Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chatty Cappacino

Ladies, if you haven't come to check out our new version of craft night, you're missing a blessing, and a really good time! Last Friday evening, we had ladies doing a number of different activities. We had sewing, crocheting, knitting, and of course, scrapping. This time we also added something new, so there was even a group playing games. We had a lot of magazines and some books that we traded, too.

Please, try to stop by on our next Craft Night. We have so much fun, and half the time, a lot of us don't actually accomplish anything. We're too busy visiting! We just enjoy one another's company, share a few refreshments and just "hang out." Remember, we start at 6:30 and end at 10:30, but that doens't mean you have to come for the duration. Stop by when you can, stay for as long as you can, and enjoy yourself while you're with us. Trust me, you'll be glad you came.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wasted Days?

It finally happened. My body decided to make welcome that yucky stomach flu that has been making the rounds this winter. Mind you, it didn't ask my opinion before it threw open the door and said 'come on in'! It simply waited until I went to sleep Friday night and let it in. I awoke Saturday morning feeling miserable, hoping that maybe -just maybe - I was mistaken and it was just queasiness from the allergy/sinus junk that has been hanging around for a couple of weeks. When the first sips of coffee hit my tummy, I knew better.

So much for my weekend plans. Which included getting to hang out with two of my grandchildren Saturday while their parents were at work. My husband got to have them all to himself while I stayed upstairs to keep my sick body and germs away from them. I could hear the fun downstairs and I spent some time having my own little pity party. Here was a day of my life that I couldn't buy back, even if I were to be the richest woman in the world. A day in the life of my grandchildren that I was missing. Poor me :-(

As with most of my pity parties, God didn't let me stay there and enjoy it for long! I heard Him ask me, "How many times do you let your 'to do' list rob you of time to be spent with those I've given you?" OUCH! I had to admit that too many times I let the captivity of activity steal my focus and allow the tasks to take first place instead of giving my best to my family and friends. Or in some instances, I choose to do something that is self centered rather than making time for others. It is all too easy to do.

Don't get me wrong. There are a certain amount of tasks that must get done. I know I can't just spend my time smelling the roses, holding hands with my husband, playing with my grandchildren and hanging out with friends. It was a reminder that I must work at finding balance, always putting God first, then my family, friends, and others. For me that means not getting so absorbed in my to do list. When asked to take on another project, I need to take time to pray about it and then wait to hear God's answer. Not all projects, no matter how good they are, are meant for me to do. And if I am faced with an immediate choice of finishing a task or taking time for my precious loved ones.....well I need to ask myself, "Which will be remembered in 10 years?"

What about you? Does your mountain of chores to be done consume too much of your time? Do you feel like time and patience for those sweet little ones or that special man in your life are in short supply? Have a special way of making time for family and friends? We would love to hear from you!


Friday, March 6, 2009

Girls' Night Out

Like to get together with your girlfriends? I sure do! One of my favorite girlfriend times is at Chatty Cappuccino Cafe & More. What began simply as a craft night (& crafting is still one of our focuses) has expanded to much more. The real intent of the evening is a chance for women to get together and enjoy one another's company. We have light refreshments and, of course, coffee! This month we are having game night - card games & board games, your choice. Plus a book and magazine swap. I don't know about you, but I am a magazine junkie. I could flat spend way too much money on magazines. So I am so looking forward to this part of the night!

Some nights I get lots of work done in my scrapbook. Other times, I spend more time talking than working. But at the end of the evening I always go home with that warm glow that comes from hanging out with my friends. So, what are you doing next Friday night at 6:30? I'll be at Chatty Cappuccino Cafe & More and I hope to spend some girlfriend time with you there!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Bible studies begin soon!

We are getting ready to kick off spring in a big way with three new Bible studies for women. First up is "Knowing God by Name" by Mary Kassian, beginning Sunday, March 8 @ 4:45pm in Room 215. In this study, facilitated by Suzanne Hardison, you will focus on 35 Hebrew names of God that describe His character, His relationships, and His purposes. As you learn the significance of each ancient word, you'll be awestruck by the Lord's magnificence and your heart compelled to worship & praise Him.

Beginning Wednesday, March 11 @ 6:15pm (Room 203) we will offer "Esther" by Beth Moore. The Old Testament story of Esther is a profile in courage and contains many modern parallels for today's woman. If you've ever felt inadequate, threatened, or pushed into situations that seemed overpowering, this study, facilitated by Kay Shepherd & Linda Campbell, is for you. Also on Wednesdays, "For Women Only: the Study" is for every woman who wants to support her man in becoming all that God intends him to be. Practical tips growing out of biblical principles combined with author Shaunti Feldhahn's insights & timely interviews with men themselves will help you put your new insights into practice day by day. Facilitated by Gail McKinney, "For Women Only" will meet in Room 210.

..........and something many of you have been waiting for!! Girlfriends and God will resume on March 11 in Room 215 at 6:15pm. We will study a new topic each week, each focusing on God's Word and how it applies to our lives as women today. No homework required! Just a desire to learn more about God through His Word and to fellowship with other women.

If you are reading this blog and are not already a part of the Hillcrest family, we extend our invitation to you to join us in one of these studies. We are located at 920 Skyline Drive in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. For more information about HBC, visit our website at

Hope to see you soon!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Reflections from a Baby Shower

I attended a baby shower yesterday for a dear friend and like most showers, a lot of women were there! Many ladies were related to the new mother, others of us were simply friends who felt like we were related. Some of the young mothers in attendance brought their children to share in this celebration for their new cousin or friend. Grandmother, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law...each woman there carried at least one of those titles. Some carried most of them! We all got to hold the new baby and enjoy the antics & interactions of the little kids. Most importantly, we were privileged to share a very special time in the life of our very special new mom.

Reflecting on the afternoon it struck me. In that group of women we represented four generations, from a young pre-teen to the sweet great-grandmother of many of the little ones. It was a time of sharing life. We talked, we laughed, we joked, we reminisced. Listening to the many different conversations going on around me I was reminded of just how much we do share life when we women get together. It is in these times where relationships grow stronger, encouragement and advice is given, and we remember that we are not alone on this journey. In our crazy hectic world, we need those times. It may be a baby shower, a girls' night out, your Sunday School class or other small group Bible study, or simply meeting a friend (or friends) at Starbuck's. Whatever it is, I pray that you and I will always make time in our schedule for 'sister time'!

What is your favorite 'sister' or 'girl' time? I'd love to hear about it! Just click on #comments below and share your thoughts.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome to Sharing the Journey

Just a few short years ago women communicated in only a few ways. If we weren't able to talk face to face we had two basic options - telephone or the letter (now affectionately known as 'snail mail'). In today's fast paced world those two forms of communication are nearly extinct. We text, we blog, we twitter, and stay in touch through Facebook.

Sharing the Journey is one of many ways the Women's Ministry team at Hillcrest Baptist Church will use to encourage, uplift, and keep you informed of opportunities to join other women at fellowships, Bible studies, local ministry projects, etc. We welcome your comments and want to hear from you!

Initially, you'll be hearing primarily from me (Molly). Being relatively new to the world of blogging, you may get a chuckle or two as I adapt to a new way of talking with you. From time to time you will also hear from other Hillcrest women so you will get a variety of perspectives on living out the Christian walk. And that is what sharing the journey is all about. As we walk through this life with all of it's ups and downs, struggles and victories, times of grief and times of joy, we learn to take a step at a time. To rely on Jesus Christ and to find that He is truly sufficient. But you know what?! I have found that even when I know that I know that I know He is, He has so wonderfully brought others alongside of me to walk with me. And that has made life all the richer.

So dear sisters - those I've met, those I've yet to meet, and those I will only meet through these posts - I pray that you will find encouragement, strength, hope and joy here. More importantly, I pray that you will find your joy in the Lord and will know the depths of His love for you!
Ephesians 3:17-18
