Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Grocery Savings Workshop

You may have seen the posters around the church or read the ad on the back page of the bulletin about the Faithful Provisions workshops coming to Hillcrest on Saturday, November 6, 9:00am-12:00pm. But...just in case you haven't, here is the scoop!

We have a great opportunity to hear from Kelly Hancock as she shares her expertise in using coupons and meal planning to trim her grocery budget. Not only can we put her tips to use to help manage our household budgets, but we can also use the same knowledge to get free stuff that we can then donate to places like Impact Ministry, Alpha Alternative, or Sanctuary House. Perhaps some of us could use that money that we save to sponsor a child through Compassion International or World Vision. Guess what I'm saying is...there are lots of ways God would have us use the resources He has blessed us with. For some, it is a matter of learning how to maximize a limited budget simply to make ends meet. For some it could be a way to reduce expenses so a mom can stay home with young children. For others it could be a way to free up money that can then be used to help others. We can all gain from Kelly's workshop.

Want to join us? All ya gotta do is go to her website at and register. If you follow the link to workshops you will find a workshop calendar. Click on the one for Hillcrest and it will direct you to the registration form. By pre-registering this way you only pay $15. OR you can simply pay at the door on Nov. 6 ($20).

Either way, consider both the time and money an investment that will pay off with big rewards!

See ya there,

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Come For a Visit!

I have finally moved into my new blogspot. SO....I am hosting an open house to welcome all of you who have been reading my random posts over the past couple of years. I copied some of my posts and took them with me to the new digs but there is new stuff too. It is a work in progress, just like moving into a new house is. I'm sure I'm going to like it there but it will be much too lonely without you.

Please come over for a visit and leave a comment so I'll know you've been there.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Armed and Dangerous...becoming a Powerful Woman of God

For anyone out there who still stops by this blog (my inconsistency has probably made most of you give up), I wanted to remind you about our upcoming women's retreat/conference on Oct. 15 and 16. Tickets are still available in the church office Mon.-Thurs. through Oct. 8 and again in the Gathering Area on Sunday, Oct. 10. If you are coming from out of town you can call us at 270-886-6017 by Monday, Oct. 11 and we will be glad to reserve tickets for you.

The early bird price expired today so the ticket price is now $20. Continental breakfast and a boxed lunch are included with your ticket.

This retreat is going to be a bit different from those we have done in the past. For one thing, all the speakers and group leaders are Hillcrest women! We will begin on Friday night with a time of praise & worship followed by a fun ice breaker event. Devotion time and a fun skit will set the stage for Saturday.

After breakfast on Saturday, we will meet for two large group sessions (we've scheduled a break in the middle!). Next we'll eat lunch and then break into small groups to discuss the topics from the morning sessions. That's when you get to participate! We will then come back to a large group to share the things that spoke the most to us that day. We'll wrap up the day with a challenge and more praise & worship music.

Life's twists and turns have a way of draining us, leaving us feeling weak and far from powerful. Imagine what we could accomplish if we truly lived each day in the power of God. We hope you will leave on Saturday with a renewed sense of purpose to live as God desires us to - powerful women of God, ready to exercise our faith in unexpected and unbelievable ways to change our world for Him!

Hope to see you on the 15th.
