Driving to visit a friend on Friday I heard the new song "My Best Days Are Ahead of Me". Written and sung by 8th season American Idol finalist Danny Gokey, the words speak of how his best days are ahead of him. This coming from a young man who lost his wife to cancer weeks before trying out for American Idol.
Listening to the words and thinking about how God has brought Danny through the grief and pain of his loss into a place where he can truly sing that his best days are ahead, God helped me to see that no matter where we are in life that statement is true.
Focused on this world, when trials come - serious illness, marriages in trouble, unemployment, financial disasters, death of a loved one - we can easily believe the best is behind us. I know this girl has fallen into that mindset before. Looking at the current storm and all the negatives that go along with it, I soon become the torch bearer of gloom and doom.
Don't get me wrong. I know that it is difficult to look for the silver lining in many of life's most painful circumstances. There are a lot of days when we are simply in survival mode, putting one foot in front on the other a step at a time.
I've been there. Even today there are cirmcumstances in lives of family members and friends that threaten to consume me. But through this song, God spoke to me. He reminded me that my best days are yet to be because my best days will be when I am home with Him for eternity. Oh what joy unspeakable and unimaginable will be mine. Today's troubles will truly be momentary...forgotten in the presence of Jesus forever.
At one time a favorite and often used phrase of mine was "This too will pass." A friend I worked with told me she thought it should be engraved on my tombstone because I used it when times were difficult. I thought that would be appropriate as even an empty clay vessel disentegrating back to dust in that grave will only be temporary. For one day, I will be restored with a new body to live forever in heaven.
After God's reminder to me on Friday, I'm thinking maybe that inscription should be changed to 'My Best Days Are Ahead of Me". No truer words could be placed there.
When life throws you a curve ball, when the storms threaten to pull you under, lock your eyes on Jesus and remember your best days are to come as well.
May your heart be comforted with that knowledge.
A 5-Day Devotional Just For You!
4 weeks ago
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