I am currently reading the book "Learning to Soar: How to Grow Through Transitions and Trials" by Avery T. Willis Jr. & his grandson, Matt Willis. Using the example of a mother eagle who stirs the nest where her eaglets have hatched in order to force them to fly, the Willis' draw a correlation to how God "stirs our nests" to nudge (or shove when necessary) us toward growth in spiritual maturity.
I'll be the first to tell you that in my own journey I have thought of myself as a slow learner. There are lessons I thought that God would probably have preferred that I learned the first time He tried to teach me. But one of the things the Willis' point out in their book is that many times when we think 'O.K., here I am again. What is it that I still haven't learned?", what is really happening is just another step in our growth from newly born Christian to fully matured Christian. I don't know about you, but I tend to think if I can just learn the lesson that God wants to teach me in and through a trying circumstance, then life will improve and I won't have to face that trial again. With that mentality, it is easy to slide right on over to the belief that I can somehow have a life of comfort with no trials, difficulties, or tragedies. But that is wishful thinking.
In fact, God tells us in His word to expect trials. "In this world you will have trouble..." "...when you pass through the waters..." However, He also tells us He will never abandon us or forsake us in the midst of those trials. He tells us that He is refining us as silver which requires heat. Lots of heat. And He promises that "all things work together for good to them that love God; to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 KJV
When I look back at the difficulties that God has brought me through I see how He used each to increase my faith, to help me learn to trust Him more, and to change me into a vessel He can use. The shape of that vessel changes with each faith stretching circumstance as does how and where He chooses to use me.
I can't say that this means that I now look forward with excitement to the next challenging cirucumstance or difficult trial that will come my way. I don't know that I will ever grow to the point of being able to say "I'm loving this trial 'cause I'm growing more mature." But I can tell you with complete and open honesty that I look at those seasons of life through different eyes now. With a heart that trusts that my God is right there with me and that He is in the process of bringing about good in my life. Allowing Him to define that good. Trusting that He will reveal it to me in His perfect timing.
If you are in the middle of a storm in your life right now, I pray that you will remember that He is with you and that He will never, never, no never let you go. He will lead you through these days, in and through and over the pain, the discouragement, the despair.
If you, like me, find yourself between storms let us not become complacent or let down our guard. Through the storms and through the calm of life, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus. If you know someone who is going through a storm, then be on your knees in intercessory prayer for her.
Speaking of prayer, as I end today's post I want to remind you of our women's Praise & Prayer Gathering next Saturday (16th) at 9:30am. If you are in the Hopkinsville area we invite you to join us as we begin the new year with a first fruits offering of praise to God and a time to join together in prayer. If you live elsewhere, join us where you are. Simply turn on your favorite praise music and then follow it up with a time of prayer for your Christian sisters in your church, your city, and around the world.
Looking forward to a mighty movement of God in 2010!
A 5-Day Devotional Just For You!
4 weeks ago
Yes, lessons are rarely a one time event. As a mature woman I am reaping some advantage in life as I can recall earlier first stages of learning when I feel the pinch of pressure. It's like visiting some place for a second or third time; I know the terrain etc.
ReplyDeleteGreat encouragement when that thought comes up: "Will I ever learn?"
God bless you dear "roomie."