What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear that word? Is it weather/climate seasons? Possibly that could be the number one answer. After all, we are smack dab in the middle of the colorful season of fall.
Others may think about Bro. Greg's sermon series, Seasons of Life. He has touched on seasons of loneliness, discouragement, and more.
I also think about seasons of life. Those seasons that are marked by where we are in life. Like college student; young single professional; newly wed; mom of preschoolers; mom of adolescents; mom of teens; single mom; empty nester; widow; grandmother....so many descriptions for the numerous seasons of our lives.
Some seasons are like spring. New life sprouting everywhere, tenderness and warmth. Others are like summer. Hot, sweaty, and a riot of color. Yet others are like fall. Life slowing down to an easier pace. Time to enjoy the harvest. And then there are the winter seasons. When everything seems to be dark and dreary, cold - icy, even.
At one time or another, we all experience each of these seasons.
Right now I am in a fall season, enjoying the harvest of grandchildren. We just spent several days in Indianapolis visiting our newest grandson, Isaiah, along with his big brother, Lincoln, and their dad & mom. We got some good snuggling time with the little one plus spent lots of time spoiling (oh, I meant playing with) his big brother. The time went all too quickly and now we are back home with cherished memories and lots of pictures. It was good to get back to Hopkinsville to see our three grandchildren here. Gosh, how I missed them while I was gone! It's that 'want my cake and eat it too' syndrome. No matter which kids I am with, I am missing the other ones! I am treasuring this time y'all, because I know that tomorrow life could take a turn, thrusting me into a not so happy place.
I see it happening all around me. People with deep hurts. Friends battling huge health issues. Marriages falling apart. Jobs lost. Death of loved ones. Life is not always happy. Or good.
But, oh sweet friends, God is always good. He always loves. He always comforts. He promises to never leave us, to never forsake us. He promises to guide us if we seek Him and listen to Him.
Some seasons cause us to burst out in praise and thanksgiving. Others drive us to our knees, crying out to Him and asking WHY? There are times when, in our pain or anger, we turn away from God. But He is always there.
He enjoys our praise. He understands our anger, our questioning, our pain. He loves us through it all.
I don't know what season you find yourself in right now, but I encourage you to keep your face turned toward God. Praise Him for all that He has done for you, pour out your frustrations, ask your questions, give Him your tears. He wants it all! The good, the bad, the pretty and the ugly. He loves us deeply. He walks with us through every season and will lead us through this journey until we are home with Him.
I pray you feel His touch today.
A 5-Day Devotional Just For You!
4 weeks ago
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