This year I have especially enjoyed during the sunny/dry moments to walk around my yard and see the beautiful plants growing around. I only grow plants that anyone could grow, they have to be hearty, and I don't have a neatly landscaped yard.
What I do have is a garden filled with love.
My mother & father bought me the plant below; this is the first year that it has had more than five blooms & they are so beautiful.
This flower reminds me to be thankful for my parents and the seeds they have planted in my life, they have helped me grow so much.
The purple iris is majestic, the color of royalty, it reminds me that I am of royal lineage in God's family. I am a child of the King!
"Live Forever" are one of my favorite garden greens.
It is simple, but it grows & multiplies each year. I have over five of these plants that were all started from one. As Christians, we should share our faith, so that many others around us will also "live forever" one day with Christ.
Below is a pink beauty, this flower reminds me of the promise,
"One day every knee will bow"
You see as beautiful as this flower is, it is so large & heavy that the blooms bow over.
No matter how beautiful, powerful, or great we are, it takes the Master's nail pierced hands to lift us up.

I hope you enjoyed the flowers, and the story of my yard.
Do you have flowers or a garden in your yard?
What stories can you tell through God's creation?
I would like you to email me your pictures or bring me a copy to church, along with your story & we will post them to the blog.
(my email:
I bet each of our gardens & stories are as unique as we are as daughters of God.
Combined together they make a beautiful bouquet.
Have a very blessed day!
05/10/09 - Pictures & quotes by Heather D.
"I love to get photos of God's beauty!"
"April 24th first bloom for my Dutch Iris"
"first time they have ever flowered."
"the white and purple ones are my favorite"
My favorite season is spring because of the new life that 'springs' up and all the beautiful flowers that brighten our world. Our yard is also filled with flowers that remind us of loved ones. We have an old fashioned rose (the kind that really smells like a rose!)that blooms every year close to Mothers' Day. The original plant belonged to Larry's Mom and every place we've lived, we have taken a piece with us. I also have day lilies, small purple irises, and a plant my grandmother called 'baby blue eyes' that originated in my grandmother's yard in W. Va. Again, we take pieces with us every time we move so we can enjoy the flowers and the memories. Our flowers remind us of our Father's love and the love of the parents and grandparents He blessed us with. My mother-in-law was generous in sharing her flowers and plants, always telling me 'don't thank me or they won't live.' I honored her wish by not verbally saying thank you but you can bet she got lots of hugs! I miss my Mom and Mom-in-love very much but I know I will see them again one day in heaven. Until then, I bet they are enjoying the gardens there!