We are getting ready to kick off spring in a big way with three new Bible studies for women. First up is "Knowing God by Name" by Mary Kassian, beginning Sunday, March 8 @ 4:45pm in Room 215. In this study, facilitated by Suzanne Hardison, you will focus on 35 Hebrew names of God that describe His character, His relationships, and His purposes. As you learn the significance of each ancient word, you'll be awestruck by the Lord's magnificence and your heart compelled to worship & praise Him.
Beginning Wednesday, March 11 @ 6:15pm (Room 203) we will offer "Esther" by Beth Moore. The Old Testament story of Esther is a profile in courage and contains many modern parallels for today's woman. If you've ever felt inadequate, threatened, or pushed into situations that seemed overpowering, this study, facilitated by Kay Shepherd & Linda Campbell, is for you. Also on Wednesdays, "For Women Only: the Study" is for every woman who wants to support her man in becoming all that God intends him to be. Practical tips growing out of biblical principles combined with author Shaunti Feldhahn's insights & timely interviews with men themselves will help you put your new insights into practice day by day. Facilitated by Gail McKinney, "For Women Only" will meet in Room 210.
..........and something many of you have been waiting for!! Girlfriends and God will resume on March 11 in Room 215 at 6:15pm. We will study a new topic each week, each focusing on God's Word and how it applies to our lives as women today. No homework required! Just a desire to learn more about God through His Word and to fellowship with other women.
If you are reading this blog and are not already a part of the Hillcrest family, we extend our invitation to you to join us in one of these studies. We are located at 920 Skyline Drive in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. For more information about HBC, visit our website at http://www.hillcrestbc.net/
Hope to see you soon!
A 5-Day Devotional Just For You!
4 weeks ago
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