Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bow the Knee

Today my family went to the viewing of Bow the Knee. It is always amazing to see how God can bless a church when two or three are gathered in His name. We have seen this presentation in past years, however, this year we saw things through different eyes (and the comments of our two year old). Yes, this is a great opportunity for all including our little ones.

Throughout the presentation our son learned how to pick out Jesus in the crowd, to wave his hands (hosanna), lights on/lights off, exit left - Bye/Bye, and Jesus goes up, up, up. He also told Jesus to "wake up" while he was on the cross...he was really excited when Jesus came on stage after the Resurrection. I am so thankful that we have a church that truly has a burden for the lost and for our children.

After the presentation we were able to meet Jesus, the soldiers, and the people of the city. As people began taking off their headpieces, our eight year old realized how many of our friends and Sunday School classmates were in the play. What a great example these friends are setting for our children.

Have you been to Bow the Knee? If not please make plans to go over the next two weekends. Prepare to receive a blessing! May God greatly bless your lives this week!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Ways to 'do' conferences!

I have some exciting news to share! In August (28 & 29 to be exact) the Women's Ministries of Hillcrest Baptist and Second Baptist are partnering to bring Beth Moore's Living Proof simulcast to Hopkinsville. If you have been blessed to attend one of Beth's conferences, then you know you are in for a treat. If you haven't, well this will be your opportunity to experience all the best features of the conference which, of course, are Beth's godly teaching and Travis Cottrell's awesome leading of our praise and worship time. There are a few details still to work out but the date is set and plans are firm so.................mark your calendars and plan to join us. Just think - no long commute, parking woes, or expense of hotel and extra meals. Just Beth, Travis, and your girlfriends!

While browsing through a few of my favorite blogspots this week I came across another cool way to participate in a conference-------------online! Check it out here -

Hey, I'm all about getting the benefits from hearing godly women speak about their experiences and what God has taught/is teaching them. And when I can do that at home in my pajamas?! Well now, that just has to be the best thing since sliced bread. Registration is half price through April 1st and it comes with extra 'goodies' plus if you are unable to log in and hear a workshop live, you can download it at any time at no extra cost.

Hope you are inspired by these upcoming events.



Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chatty Cappacino

Ladies, if you haven't come to check out our new version of craft night, you're missing a blessing, and a really good time! Last Friday evening, we had ladies doing a number of different activities. We had sewing, crocheting, knitting, and of course, scrapping. This time we also added something new, so there was even a group playing games. We had a lot of magazines and some books that we traded, too.

Please, try to stop by on our next Craft Night. We have so much fun, and half the time, a lot of us don't actually accomplish anything. We're too busy visiting! We just enjoy one another's company, share a few refreshments and just "hang out." Remember, we start at 6:30 and end at 10:30, but that doens't mean you have to come for the duration. Stop by when you can, stay for as long as you can, and enjoy yourself while you're with us. Trust me, you'll be glad you came.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wasted Days?

It finally happened. My body decided to make welcome that yucky stomach flu that has been making the rounds this winter. Mind you, it didn't ask my opinion before it threw open the door and said 'come on in'! It simply waited until I went to sleep Friday night and let it in. I awoke Saturday morning feeling miserable, hoping that maybe -just maybe - I was mistaken and it was just queasiness from the allergy/sinus junk that has been hanging around for a couple of weeks. When the first sips of coffee hit my tummy, I knew better.

So much for my weekend plans. Which included getting to hang out with two of my grandchildren Saturday while their parents were at work. My husband got to have them all to himself while I stayed upstairs to keep my sick body and germs away from them. I could hear the fun downstairs and I spent some time having my own little pity party. Here was a day of my life that I couldn't buy back, even if I were to be the richest woman in the world. A day in the life of my grandchildren that I was missing. Poor me :-(

As with most of my pity parties, God didn't let me stay there and enjoy it for long! I heard Him ask me, "How many times do you let your 'to do' list rob you of time to be spent with those I've given you?" OUCH! I had to admit that too many times I let the captivity of activity steal my focus and allow the tasks to take first place instead of giving my best to my family and friends. Or in some instances, I choose to do something that is self centered rather than making time for others. It is all too easy to do.

Don't get me wrong. There are a certain amount of tasks that must get done. I know I can't just spend my time smelling the roses, holding hands with my husband, playing with my grandchildren and hanging out with friends. It was a reminder that I must work at finding balance, always putting God first, then my family, friends, and others. For me that means not getting so absorbed in my to do list. When asked to take on another project, I need to take time to pray about it and then wait to hear God's answer. Not all projects, no matter how good they are, are meant for me to do. And if I am faced with an immediate choice of finishing a task or taking time for my precious loved ones.....well I need to ask myself, "Which will be remembered in 10 years?"

What about you? Does your mountain of chores to be done consume too much of your time? Do you feel like time and patience for those sweet little ones or that special man in your life are in short supply? Have a special way of making time for family and friends? We would love to hear from you!


Friday, March 6, 2009

Girls' Night Out

Like to get together with your girlfriends? I sure do! One of my favorite girlfriend times is at Chatty Cappuccino Cafe & More. What began simply as a craft night (& crafting is still one of our focuses) has expanded to much more. The real intent of the evening is a chance for women to get together and enjoy one another's company. We have light refreshments and, of course, coffee! This month we are having game night - card games & board games, your choice. Plus a book and magazine swap. I don't know about you, but I am a magazine junkie. I could flat spend way too much money on magazines. So I am so looking forward to this part of the night!

Some nights I get lots of work done in my scrapbook. Other times, I spend more time talking than working. But at the end of the evening I always go home with that warm glow that comes from hanging out with my friends. So, what are you doing next Friday night at 6:30? I'll be at Chatty Cappuccino Cafe & More and I hope to spend some girlfriend time with you there!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Bible studies begin soon!

We are getting ready to kick off spring in a big way with three new Bible studies for women. First up is "Knowing God by Name" by Mary Kassian, beginning Sunday, March 8 @ 4:45pm in Room 215. In this study, facilitated by Suzanne Hardison, you will focus on 35 Hebrew names of God that describe His character, His relationships, and His purposes. As you learn the significance of each ancient word, you'll be awestruck by the Lord's magnificence and your heart compelled to worship & praise Him.

Beginning Wednesday, March 11 @ 6:15pm (Room 203) we will offer "Esther" by Beth Moore. The Old Testament story of Esther is a profile in courage and contains many modern parallels for today's woman. If you've ever felt inadequate, threatened, or pushed into situations that seemed overpowering, this study, facilitated by Kay Shepherd & Linda Campbell, is for you. Also on Wednesdays, "For Women Only: the Study" is for every woman who wants to support her man in becoming all that God intends him to be. Practical tips growing out of biblical principles combined with author Shaunti Feldhahn's insights & timely interviews with men themselves will help you put your new insights into practice day by day. Facilitated by Gail McKinney, "For Women Only" will meet in Room 210.

..........and something many of you have been waiting for!! Girlfriends and God will resume on March 11 in Room 215 at 6:15pm. We will study a new topic each week, each focusing on God's Word and how it applies to our lives as women today. No homework required! Just a desire to learn more about God through His Word and to fellowship with other women.

If you are reading this blog and are not already a part of the Hillcrest family, we extend our invitation to you to join us in one of these studies. We are located at 920 Skyline Drive in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. For more information about HBC, visit our website at

Hope to see you soon!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Reflections from a Baby Shower

I attended a baby shower yesterday for a dear friend and like most showers, a lot of women were there! Many ladies were related to the new mother, others of us were simply friends who felt like we were related. Some of the young mothers in attendance brought their children to share in this celebration for their new cousin or friend. Grandmother, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law...each woman there carried at least one of those titles. Some carried most of them! We all got to hold the new baby and enjoy the antics & interactions of the little kids. Most importantly, we were privileged to share a very special time in the life of our very special new mom.

Reflecting on the afternoon it struck me. In that group of women we represented four generations, from a young pre-teen to the sweet great-grandmother of many of the little ones. It was a time of sharing life. We talked, we laughed, we joked, we reminisced. Listening to the many different conversations going on around me I was reminded of just how much we do share life when we women get together. It is in these times where relationships grow stronger, encouragement and advice is given, and we remember that we are not alone on this journey. In our crazy hectic world, we need those times. It may be a baby shower, a girls' night out, your Sunday School class or other small group Bible study, or simply meeting a friend (or friends) at Starbuck's. Whatever it is, I pray that you and I will always make time in our schedule for 'sister time'!

What is your favorite 'sister' or 'girl' time? I'd love to hear about it! Just click on #comments below and share your thoughts.
