I remember thinking, when my boys were children at home and I was trying to be a wife, mom, and balance a career, that things would slow down when I was older. Watching women who had transitioned into that 'empty nester' stage I reasoned that they must have lots of free time to pursue hobbies, take extended vacations, and otherwise spend their carefree days. Do what?!
Either I had blinders on when making those observations or times have really changed drastically. I seem to be busier than ever. I still struggle to find time to pursue hobbies. Extended vacation? A long weekend is about all I can muster these days. Carefree days? Depends on how you define carefree.
Before you get the notion that I am complaining, let me tell you about some of the people and activities that keep me busy. I am a wife to a wonderful man that I enjoy spending lots of time with, whether that is sitting together on our patio reading, riding our bikes, or sharing chores around the house. I am mother to two sons, both married, making me mother-in-law to two daughters-in-law that I love like they are my daughters. I am grandmother of four (soon to be five!) precious grandchildren. (Oh, don't get me started or I am apt to bore you for hours talking about my grandkids.)
In the past several weeks my schedule has been very full. My oldest granddaughter & I took a long weekend trip to eastern Kentucky and West Virginia, back to where my husband and I grew up. I wanted to show her where we lived as children, where we went to school, and describe to her our lives as they were as we were growing up. Show her where her great-grandparents are buried. At the community cemetary where my husband's family graves are, there are also two more generations back buried side by side. How wonderful to be able to share with her of how Larry's great-grandfather came to the United States from Poland, and though he never learned to speak English very well, worked hard and raised his family. It put a sense of reality to the family stories we have been telling her as she has grown up. My youngest granddaughter has been playing softball, two nights a week, for six weeks or more. We've spent quite a few hours at the ballfield! All of those things adding to an already busy schedule. 'Cause I also work full time, help coordinate our Women's Ministry activities, help facilitate & attend Girlfriends & God on Wednesday evenings, and try to keep up with my friends and make time to nurture those relationships. Whew!!
I admit that there are times when I sigh and moan about how busy life is. But when I stop to reflect about what makes it so busy, I realize that I should change how I describe it. Life is full! So much of what makes my life busy is wrapped up in family and friends, those people that God has given me to richly bless my life. Other things that cause business are sometimes necessary (like grocery shopping, laundry, and housework!). Some things that cause business are not necessary and those are the ones that I realize I should be careful in my choice to participate or not.
I want to live the abundant life that Jesus tells us is ours when we live for Him. I want to wring out every second of every day, wasting not a precious moment. So when I am tempted to think in a negative kind of way about how busy life is, I am asking God to remind me to choose the positive and celebrate how full my life is.
What about you? Busy or full or both - how would you describe your life?
A 5-Day Devotional Just For You!
4 weeks ago