Monday was one of those days that reminds me of the day after Christmas. You know after all the excitement is over, the packages are unwrapped, and the company is gone? When you feel just a little bit like a deflated balloon. The reason I was feeling droopy is because it was the day after a long awaited and much anticipated weekend visit babysitting my sweet grandson in Indy. Just like all visits with him and his parents, time went much too quickly and all too soon we were all packed up and driving south again, reliving over and over his smiles, his love of balls, our visit to the park, watching him bathe french fries in ketchup.
And then.....I realized I had slipped into what I call the 'Eve syndrome'. Eve had everything she could have ever dreamed of all around her in a perfect and sinless world. She walked with God in the garden every day. It was paradise. But then she listened to satan as he turned her thoughts and eyes toward the one thing God told her she couldn't have. Soon she could only think about what she didn't have and those thoughts turned into desire. Forgotten was the bounty of good all around her. Forgotten was the sweet fellowship with God.
When I allow myself to focus on what I don't have, I am just like Eve. My focus is not on God and all His wonderful blessings. My focus is on me and what I don't have. I begin to think things like "if only I could", "if only I had", or "I wish things were different". I sound like a spoiled kid and that is exactly what I am. I don't like me when I am acting like a spoiled kid and I'm very sure that God isn't happy with my attitude. Oh, He still loves me. He loves me so much that He doesn't let me stay in my pity party very long. So, I am choosing this week to have a grateful heart.
I am thankful for the opportunity we had to spend uninterupted time with our little Lincoln. I am thankful for being able to attend church with my son and daughter-in-law. I am thankful that we live in the same town as do our other 3 grandchildren which blesses me to be a part of their everyday lives. (Guess you get the drift that I love, love, love being a Grandmother!!)
I am thankful for new friends (Beth, you rock! I'm so glad that God introduced us to each other.) I am thankful for old friends who share a love of reading and willingly share their books with me. I am thankful for warm spring days, flowers blooming, and the smell of freshly mown grass. I am thankful for my favorite place to buy spring plants and hanging baskets (Ky American Seeds--the Petty's are awesome folks.)
I could keep going but I would rather leave you now with this challenge. Make your own 'things I'm thankful for' list this week. No matter what you are going through, I promise that you will be sporting a new attitude when you look at life through the lens of a grateful heart. What are you thankful for?
Hugs from a thankful woman,
A 5-Day Devotional Just For You!
4 weeks ago